Character Designer & Illustrator
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DADO has always been my tag/nickname, but online I'm known as DADOtronic.I'm a digital artist from Brazil. I have always been interested in combining technology and art in some way.Obviously, the whole video game culture of the 90's has also had a big influence on my choices to this day.Early in my life, I settled my interest in digital art, even though it's a career that's not very "compatible" with my environment. I come from a place where I still have to explain what an illustrator is.In 2010, after closing an outsourcing studio I had with some good friends, I started freelancing from the small city I lived in. In order to maintain a career without piracy, I decided to give up 3D and focus only on 2D. I could afford the tools, skills, and training legally. Somehow this was important for me to move forward.My clients were (still) small but passionate indie game developers and studios.
Later I had the chance to work with bigger companies (SuperCell, Wacom, Celsys, 3D Total), but I kept my foot on the ground and never stopped offering my work to anyone who's serious about their project. Regardless of their capital size and popularity on social media.Of the various skills I've taught myself over the years, I'm best at designing and illustrating stylized characters and props. Hence my love for video game sprites. I'm also interested in 3D (low poly) and teaching. Really like to figure out processes and workflows.In recent years, I have decided to shift my focus to an independent career. While I'd love to work in/for a video game studio, there's also value in following a path where an individual creates opportunities for themselves.Today I have my company (Dadotronic Workshop) and I've been doing artwork for the same passionate game developers but also for fans of my art.That's where I am now.- dado